Introducing the Hackathon Challenges 2019: Mobility


In this blogpost we want to give you a brief overview of the hackathon challenge ‘Mobility’:  How can new solutions for vehicles’ networks be created where innovative technologies such as Blockchain or Artificial Intelligence can lead to higher efficiency or even entirely new products and processes?

The chart below points out more specifially how the mobility challenge addresses a wide scope of topics within the field of vehicles’ networks. Mobility services, supply chain & logistics as well as mobility infrastructure serve as possible areas of application where new products, processes and solution could derive from.


Introducing the Hackathon Challenges 2019: Finance


Karsten Treiber and corporate finance specialist Fabian Blumer from LBBW – Landesbank Baden-Württemberg introduce the challenge ‘Finance’How can a bank use the Blockchain technology to become the everyday platform within the industry?

It is one of three challenges our hackers can choose from at the Blockchain Hackathon 2019. Find out more specifially what the challenge means by watching the video below: