
// PRE-HACKATHON // Online Event

Der diesjährige Blockchain Hackathon lässt leider noch auf sich warten – doch aufgeschoben ist nicht aufgehoben! Blockchain Enthusiasten und Visionäre hatten bei einem Pre-Hackathon die Chance, sich optimal auf die bevorstehenden Challenges vorzubereiten und ihre Kenntnisse zu vertiefen.

Die Hacker und Entwickler erwarteten spannende Impuls-Vorträge rund ums Thema „Dezentrale Plattformökonomie“ von Festo und Evan Network.


Über den Blockchain Hackathon 2020:

Der diesjährige Themenfokus des Blockchain Hackathons liegt auf der Entwicklung und den Betrieb von dezentralen „koopetitiven“ Plattformökonomien. Das Internet als dezentrale Technologie bietet die besten Voraussetzungen, wurde jedoch durch zentrale Plattformen in seinen Grundsätzen überholt. Die Blockchain Technologie leitet die Renaissance des Internets und der dezentralen Plattformökonomie ein. Dies ermöglicht komplett neue Geschäftsmodelle im Web 3.0, vorangetrieben durch die Blockchain Technologien und dem Verlangen nach mehr Sicherheit und Vertrauen zwischen allen Marktteilnehmern.



We have to postpone the Blockchain Hackathon!

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and based on the recommendations of the Robert-Koch-Institut, we have decided to postpone the Blockchain Hackathon planned for April in Stuttgart.

This has been a difficult decision but the safety and health of our participants come first.

Thank you for all the support and interest you show so far in the event!

We will follow the situation and announce a new date soon, so check out our website and social media channels for updates.

Your Blockchain Hackathon Team

The future of decentralized market economy based on blockchain: a whitepaper from

As you may have discovered in our latest blog post, this edition of the Blockchain Hackathon is all about Decentralized Platform Economies. There, we had explained the importance and concept of coopetition as well as potential economic impacts. But in order to enable this promising concept, a working infrastructure based on a decentralized technology is necessary.


Our first technology partner

And this is where our first technology partner can play a key role: supports the Blockchain Hackathon with their expertise and particularly with their neutral infrastructure for digital cooperative ecosystems. Hence, our Hackathon attendees get the opportunity to exploit the trust infrastructure of


But why is a neutral and independent infrastructure so important?

And much more interesting, in which use cases is coopetition relevant?

These and more questions will be answered in the newly published whitepaper by The whitepaper focuses on the future of decentralized market economy based on blockchain technology. So, if you’re excited to know how to build a cooperative ecosystem in the sense of blockchain based coopetion, check out the whitepaper below (currently only available in German): whitepaper: Coopetition


And of course, if you want to transfer the newly acquired knowledge into practice through challenges under real conditions, make sure to register for the third Blockchain Hackathon and play your part in shaping the future of Decentralized Platform Economies.


Note: Registration for the third Blockchain Hackathon is open. To stay up to date follow us on Facebook, twitter or check out

The Blockchain Hackathon is brought to you by bwcon and blockLAB and is supported by many sponsors. Participation is free of charge for all hackers – food, drinks and night naps in the location are included.

The third edition of the Blockchain Hackathon is all about Decentralized Platform Economies

For the third year in a row the Blockchain Hackathon will open its doors from the 17th to the19th April 2020 welcoming participants from all over the continent and beyond. Hackers will have the chance to give free rein to their creativity exploring undiscovered terrain in which to apply blockhain technologies. Proudly being the biggest Blockchain Hackathon in Germany, the event brings together the blockchain-developers community with major industry players to join the forces and experiment the application of blockchain in different verticals.


The event will be held this year under the motto “In the name of Coopetion: Shape the future of Decentralized Platform Economies


The participants will compete in three different challenges, with the possibility of being inspired by various speakers and supported by a mentoring team. Creativity is worthwhile, as prizes in total value of 15 000 euros are awarded in various categories.


Uncovering the Blockchain Hackathon’s motto: what is coopetion?


The Hackathon in 2020 will explore a promising new field: Coopetition.

While the internet has enabled the emergence of digital marketplaces that have created tremendous benefits for their users, nowadays the network is increasingly dominated by a small number of providers, which are spreading vertically into every industry. At the same time, some companies such as Amazon and Facebook have managed to grow into central and monopolistic platform providers. If a central platform reaches a critical mass, this dominance leads to quasi-monopolistic market situations.

The concept of coopetition is a promising approach to counteract these developments. Coopetition means “cooperation” on the infrastructure layer and “competition” on the application or product layer. The focus is on working with third parties to develop and operate digital platforms, and compete on new products and services.


Through decentralized orchestration, collaborative business models and fewer dependencies, Distributed Ledger Technology or Blockchain offers a possible technological solution. The execution of transactions, the accounting, as well as the further development of the platform and its operation can be carried out decentrally and automatically with the help of DLT. The goal behind this is to build value creation networks across divisions, companies and industries that enable new business models.


What possibilities arise through Blockchain-based networks as a counter model to digital monopolies?


This question will guide the work of the Blockchain Hackathon’s participants who will be challenge to explore which innovative networks and services in the areas of mobility, industry and finance can be developed together.

But there is even more: in 2020 the Hackathon will again join forces with the Blockchain Future Festival and other events to deepen all aspects around blockchain technologies through keynotes, deep-dive workshop and competions. For one week, we will bring again all important players of the blockchain community to exchange and meet in the South West of Germany.  Be there!



Note: Registration for the third Blockchain Hackathon will open soon. More information about challenges, speakers and the sponsors will follow shortly. To stay up to date follow us on Facebook, twitter or check out

The Blockchain Hackathon is brought to you by bwcon and blockLAB and is supported by many sponsors. Participation is free of charge for all hackers – food, drinks and night naps in the location are included.

Exploring the application of Blockchain in the industry: that was the 2nd Blockchain Hackathon Stuttgart!

New year – new Blockchain Hackathon.

The successfull format of last year’s Blockchain Hackathon, organized by bwcon and blockLAB Stuttgart went into its second round. On the weekend between 15 and 17 February, more than 150 hackers came together to elaborate visionary ideas under the motto: “converging the crypto universe into industrial IoT”. In 20 teams and with the support of about 20 mentors, they developed innovative concepts, business models and proof-of-concept implementations. Which innovative ideas could emerge when Blockchain technology meets digital infrastructure? How exactly could Blockchain technology drive innovations like AI or Robotics forward? These and many more questions were answered during the three days of the Blockchain Hackathon 2019.
For the first time, the Hackathon also marked the opening event of the Blockchain Stuttgart Week. This is one week of conferences held by experts, meetups and more events which offer both newbies and experts inspiring insight into the latest Blockchain topics.

The Stuttgart region is predestined to play a leading role in the intersection between blockchain technology and industrial applications. With its industry-oriented value creation structure, the local global players and hidden champions the region has a lot to offer. Accordingly, the hackathon has launched challenges in the fields of industry 4.0-IoT, mobility and finance.

A total of 15.000 euro prizes money was awarded in the categories “best visionary concept”, “best technical implementation”, “best business model”, “Hackathon challenges” and “audience prize”. The event was supported – among others – by Daimler AG, LBBW, targens, MHP and Alcatel Lucent.  In addition, two keynote contributes with great insights into Blockchain technology: Ikhlaq Sidhu, Founder and Chief Scientist of the Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) in Berkeley give a speech about “Industrial application of Blockchain”, while Oliver Terbu from ConsenSys, uPort illustrated how to scale Decentralized Identities.

This year’s winning Teams:

Most visionary concept:
Team “Zietle”: Enables a seamless shopping experience like Amazon-GO by offering a B2B service for retailers combining object recognition, machine learning and an ID / payment infrastructure. Based on Ethereum integrating uPort self-sovereign ID.

Best technical implementation:
Team “Thank me later!”: NFC devices with own Blockchain based private keys to identify, check, authenticate and validate that goods and products are original and not fake.

Best business model:
Team “Schrodingers’ cat”: The smart solution for fine particles matter prevention and an alternative to the Diesel vehicles prohibitions in German cities. Schrodingers’ cat tracks data (particles) and charges fees of Diesel vehicles real-time when driving through Diesel-free zones based on IOTA.

Finance challenge:
Team “The Avalizers”: A vision for startup financing via a bank guarantee platform based on R3 Corda. This will lead to better incentivization of capital allocation, risk reduction and thus enabling more entrepreneurship.

Mobility challenge:
Team “CryptoManiacs”: Jobocar lets your car earn money for you. It’s a solution combining frontend and backend for autonomous driving self-sharing cars built on Ethereum, integrating uPort and Kyber Network.

Audience price:
Team “TrustX”: A platform to automatically prevent tax fraud and full tax processing, directly connecting government, payment processors and consumers based on R3 Corda.

Here is an overview of all Hackathon’s teams:

Team “BlockBooks”: BlockBooks is a marketplace based on Hyperledger Fabric that offers comprehensive asset tracking from production to vehicle usage and services, connecting all stakeholders relevant to identify true vehicle value in the after-market.

Team “Treecall”: Tackling the problems of automotive recalls via supply chain management based on Ethereum. Treecall enables more secure, cheaper and faster recalls and predictive defect management.

Team “CGC”: CGC is a smart financial data auditing solution based on IOTA.

Team “CryptoCrumbs”: CryptoCrumbs offers a smart shipments B2B solution for logistics combining AI, machine learning and Blockchain based on Hyperledger.

Team “The CUBE”: A general purpose Blockchain enabled plug-in HW device that combines sensors and connectivity for monitoring supply chain conditions based on IOTA.

Team “IPrint”: IPrint is a solution for filing and protecting digital product models in additive manufacturing, incentivizing content creators and enabling on-demand manufacturing. It is based on a combination of permissioned and permissionless Blockchain architecture on Ethereum and IFPS.

Team “Data Park”: Parking your car has never been easier. Aggregating all parking spot data into a real-time parking map. A data marketplace that collects and trades parking spaces based on Ethereum integrating Streamr.

Team “Hyperprivacy”: Hyperprivacy is addressing dangerous goods transport using a combination of smart IoT devices for monitoring and the Hyperledger Blockchain.

Team “Innewsveritas”: Innewsveritas is trying to combat fake news. A plug-in for news sites and content creators to authenticate sources of content validated via the community and AI based on R3 Corda.

Team “Juve “: Mobility app to revolutionize how we consume public transportation by providing an intermodal ticketing platform for seamless usage of different means of public transport.

Team “Relathereum”: A solution combining mobile sleeping capsules. A mobile application for end users and Blockchain based backend to manage bookings and real-time payments based on Ethereum.

Team “Rocket Billing”: Rocket Billing is a solution for intra-company billing systems for small and medium sized companies based on a private, distributed Blockchain enabling real-time and cost-efficient accounting. Open source and based on Stellar, integrating an own token as payment mechanism.

Team “StartBlock”: StartBlock is a decentralized EV charging station marketplace to accelerate growth of charging stations. Based on Ethereum and integrating Raiden as L2 payment channel.


The second Blockchain Hackathon Stuttgart showed once more the huge potential of hackers in our region. We’re impressed by all the great ideas that were developed in these three days. Therefore we give a huge shout out to all sponsors, mentors and participants for paving the way into a new crypto future – to be continued…

Blockchain – The adhesive layer for sustainable data driven business models for Internet of Things (IoT) (Part 2 of 2)

Legal aspects to keep in mind building IoT solutions

III. Who provides the solution?

Due to the decentralized characteristics of the blockchain technology, the provider of the solution could be in Germany, in Germany and several other countries as well as outside of Germany. Depending on the location of the server nodes of the blockchain on which the Smart Contract of the solution is executed. One could therefore speak of a cross-border association or a cross border company.

Therefore, one of the most business critical questions at the transformation of a data driven business model on Blockchain technologies is always: Who provides the solution?

The answer is not only about reliability. As well – especially in the B2B context – it is about which entity will be the right contract partner to deal with. Who provides the infrastructure and bears the costs? Who maintains the solution? Which local laws apply? Which legal form will the operator of the blockchain solution choose? Where will be the registered office of the provider?

For the future implementation of the operator of a solution on blockchain technology, the applicability of national law for the establishment of the association is problematic and must therefore be clarified. Neither the German Civil Code (EGBGB) nor European law contains a conflict rule for the company statute in international company law.

In German law, the domicile theory applies up to now, i.e. the company is basically included in the legal system applicable at its domicile. German law would then be applicable, if the operator has its registered office in Stuttgart.

In European law as well as in Anglo-American law the foundation theory is predominant. According to this, the legal system according to which the legal entity was founded is applied. German law would only be applicable according to the foundation theory, if the provider would be founded in Germany, e.g. in Stuttgart.

In the search for the appropriate legal form for the business model, the social aspect of the decentralised nature of the block chain should continue to be taken into account. Probably, not every participant of a value chain would like to share its data with a central company outside his sphere of influence. The reasons could be e.g. lack of trust, protections of productions secrets, lack of adequate compensation. As well it would be difficult to run the server infrastructure for the blockchain nodes within the data centers of the participating companies out of a central concept if e.g. a consortium chain has been chosen as technology.

Depending on the situation the different interests of all participants could be outbalanced by splitting the responsibility for the solution in two parts, an infrastructure or platform part and a business solution part.

Figure 3: Splitting the responsibility in a Consortium Chain: infrastructure part and a business solution

The dominant idea for the infrastructure platform part, including the server infrastructure, blockchain protocol and parts of the data layer, would be to share the infrastructure. Thus, a cooperative society or a non-profit association could be an adequate legal form. The later one is, for example, already the chosen form of the internet exchange points S-IX or DE-CIX.

On the other hand, the paradigm for the blockchain solution part could follow the business benefits. An adequate legal form could differ in accordance to the business solution. For example, a data driven business solution covering the entire value chain of a branch could be could be provided of a cooperative society consisting of all participants providing data and benefiting of its analysis. The IP could be owned of the society and licensed to its associates.

IV. Data property as key

As well, data property is a key element of data driven business models. It is essential that to clarify who has the ownership of the data and the results generated based upon it.

Although there is much talk of data ownership, in German and European law the legal concept of data ownership does not exist as an absolute right vis-à-vis everyone.

Within the German Civil Code (BGB), the concept of data ownership is unknown. Property is always related to physical objects (§§ 903, 90 BGB), thus e.g. at the data medium, but not at the data contained on it. Nor can the property law provisions of the German Civil Code be applied analogously, as there is no loophole in the provisions that is contrary to plan. Finally, the legislator has so far deliberately renounced the postulate of data ownership.

The German copyright law protects only the database itself and not parts of its content. According to § 87a German Copyright Act (UrhG)

“a database is a collection of works, data or other independent elements which are systematically or methodically arranged and individually accessible by electronic means or otherwise and the acquisition, verification or presentation of which requires a substantial investment in terms of nature or quantity. A database which has been substantially modified in terms of its content, type or extent, shall be deemed to be a new database if the modification requires a substantial investment in terms of type or extent.”

A database producer within the meaning of the German Copyright Act is the person who made the investment within the meaning the arrangement and/or accessibility. The investment in gathering the data itself or parts of it are not protected.

Although certain business secrets are protected by Act against Unfair Commercial Practices (UWG), data with is on a trade secret such as measurement data or big data analyses in general are not protected. In § 17 UWG only covers cases of betrayal of secrets by an employee, industrial espionage or the exploitation of secrets by unauthorised persons are covered. In particular, the cases in which information is voluntarily entrusted to third parties are not included. Also machine data is only rarely a trade secret. § 18 UWG only protects technical documents and regulations. Only very specific information and, for example, measurement data and big data analyses are protected.

The protection under criminal law applies only if anyone illegally deletes, suppresses, makes unusable or changes data. There is as well, a responsibility for claims for damages and injunctive relief (§§ 823, 1004 BGB) if the access to, or the intervention in the data of a company represents a targeted intervention in the business operations of the company.

Finally, at European level, the GDPR applies to direct or indirect personal data and provides for special rights for the persons concerned, such as objection, information and deletion claims. As a rule, however, machine data are not included, as they are neither direct nor indirect personal data.

As a result of the current situation, data-driven companies should avoid the uncertainty of a non-transparent legal situation and mitigate their legal risks by entering into contracts with data providers.

II. Resume

In summary, sustainable data-driven business models for the Internet of Things (IoT) should not be only technology driven. Start-ups and other companies should think ahead and incorporate robust patterns into their solutions in order to comply with the relevant regulatory framework according to the market addressed.

An appropriate legal form will already be an important step to bring a successful solution to the market. They could also consider entering into watertight contracts with data providers to minimize their legal risks from uncertainty about data ownership.


The Author

Kristian Borkert is the founder of the law firm JURIBO Legal & Consulting. His mission is to simplify digital value creation and enhance its security. His focus is on agile matters, blockchain and IT sourcing.

For almost 10 years Kristian Borkert is working in national and international projects related to information technology and data protection law. His expertise areas include IT and business process outsourcing, SLA, software licensing, software project agreements, data protection agreements and other IT sourcing related topics.

He is particularly interested in agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban, collaboration models and blockchain. He is an active member of blockLAB Stuttgart, Co-Author of the Blockchain Strategy for Baden Württemberg and Co-Creator of the Blockchain Compass.






Blockchain – The adhesive layer for sustainable data driven business models for Internet of Things (IoT) (Part 1 of 2)

Legal aspects to keep in mind building IoT solutions

I. Key aspects of business models for IoT

The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of devices such as vehicles, and home appliances that contain electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which allows these things to connect, interact and exchange data[1]. By 2025 research and advisory companies expect to count more than 75 million of these devices connected to the internet globally[2].

Figure 1: Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices installed base worldwide from 2015 to 2025 (in billions)

Probably the remarkable increase of the IoT devices will be due to new services and their business models. It is not unlikely that a common ground of the business models in IoT will be data. Data at big scale generated by millions of sensors included in IoT devices and by billions of interactions or transactions between IoT devices (m2m) or between devices with human end users.

Predictive maintenance service based upon verified and reliable data is a business model example we already know. There will be thousands more.

Blockchain as secure immutable ledger for transactions could be the adhesive layer between technologies like artificial intelligence and big data. Transparency and trust stick all parts of the business model together. But it is also necessary that new technologies comply applicably with the legal framework applicable.

Therefore, after a short description of a typical blockchain architecture for an IoT application, the article will discuss the legal framework. The questions about the operation of the solution and data ownership will be dealt with in within more detail.


II. Architecture and solution need to comply with the legal framework

A typical technology stack of a blockchain solution would start with the trivial need of servers as basis for the peer to peer network, a decentral server infrastructure. Next, there would be the blockchain protocol providing an efficient method of documenting transactions in a verifiable and permanent way.

The storage and data layer is the next building block and the basis upon smart contracts execute their programmed orders. The so-called social layer is the core of the decentralized economy functions consisting of social, asset tracking, reputation, identity and comms. Decentralized Applications (dApps) contribute the user experience.


Figure 2: Typical Technology Stack of a Blockchain Solution for IoT and a rough sketch of the legal framework

Each solution for IoT and its business model needs to comply with the legal framework. The first question in this context is to clarify which legal framework is relevant. Laws are almost a national issue. There are international treaties defined by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties like the WIPO Copyright Treaty from 1996 or supranational legal environments like the European Union being able to set certain legal conditions like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Once clarified the relevant market and the linked local law questions like “Do we process personal data?”, “Are there any specific regulations?”, “Does our business model include coins or tokens?”, “Who needs to be the owner of the data and the results achieved through the analysis of it?” The answers of the legal should be reflected properly in the solution and its underlying business processes in an early stage.

One of the most critical regulations for blockchain use cases is the GDPR since, for example, the right to deletion of personal data is antagonistic truly to the underlying principle of permanent, immutable storage of the transactions and the data on the blockchain. Therefore, the provider of the solution should look very carefully which data in in which form really needs to be stored on the blockchain to provide the vital adhesive effect to the other components in the stack of the solutions. Maybe, instead of the data it would be sufficient to store the hash of that information as proof.

However, besides of the GDPR as well to other key topics need to be resolved. Among these are the questions: Who provides the solution? And who has the ownership of the data and the results generated based upon it?

…to be continued: The contribution continues with a second part, in which the author will deepen the questions about the operator model of the block chain solution and data ownership


The Author

Kristian Borkert is the founder of the law firm JURIBO Legal & Consulting. His mission is to simplify digital value creation and enhance its security. His focus is on agile matters, blockchain and IT sourcing.

For almost 10 years Kristian Borkert is working in national and international projects related to information technology and data protection law. His expertise areas include IT and business process outsourcing, SLA, software licensing, software project agreements, data protection agreements and other IT sourcing related topics.

He is particularly interested in agile methods such as Scrum or Kanban, collaboration models and blockchain. He is an active member of blockLAB Stuttgart, Co-Author of the Blockchain Strategy for Baden Württemberg and Co-Creator of the Blockchain Compass.



[1] Wikipedia

[2] See statista

To Blockchain or Not to Blockchain: That Is Our Question

It is no secret that we’ve been tossing and turning the subject of blockchain for quite some time internally, although it never seemed to be the right time for adoption.


BaaS – Blockchain as a Service BaaS – Blockchain as a Service

After a few years of pondering as well as research and projects we came to the conclusion that in order to raise understanding and acceptance of blockchain, a „Blockchain as a Service“ approach will be necessary. What this means is that an intuitive and unified blockchain based interface is required, which can be billed on a per-user basis, deployed quickly and used by anyone.

As more and more companies and organizations start embracing blockchain (where it makes sense) it will get a lot easier to come up with a user-friendly interface controlled and populated by permission-based networks in the background. As it’s currently economically dubious for each company and organization to embark on the journey of creating their own blockchain network we, as blockchain enthusiasts and experts, must make it our mission to provide the majority with a working solution.


Open-Source Messenger goes Blockchain

In order to take communicational encryption to the next level we have started working on a new encryption method of general messenger communication – especially in regards to sensitive-data sharing. Since we do have our own open-source business messenger the decision was made to look into blockchain and how it can additionally improve our communications security.


101% Security – Communication, data sharing

In cooperation with one of our potential partners we’ve managed to create a proof of concept which allows for additional blockchain-network based encryption of data stored in the public cloud of our business messenger. The result was that exchanged messages, called and documents (or data files in general) were only accessible to the people involved in the conversation if no rights were assigned to additional people.

Should we decide to start a lasting cooperation and push this matter further, expanding our Rainbow messenger to support blockchain networks, it would enable not only fully encrypted and almost impenetrably secure communication, but would also make it possible to dock all blockchain network services with the messenger. This would mean you’d be able to control information, machines, directories and a lot more by simply using one interface – Rainbow – to issue AI-enhanced commands handled by automated bots in order to accomplish complex tasks of any calibre while at the same time retaining all of the information inside a closed and secure blockchain network.


Transparency as a key to future business

Everything that we do with blockchain should ideally benefit not the individual, but the community – the people if you will. By submitting data, enabling workgroups, sharing information, documents and a lot more with relevant other parties we are bound to speed up all our processes internally as well as externally. This is ought to also enable cooperation on so many new levels businesses and organizations typically don’t enable. By being transparent and sharing we are going to boost efficiency, cooperation and innovation inside our own company as well as between companies sharing the same industry or simply having the same touchpoints in a cross-industry scenario.

Imagine a world where all your third-party services like bookkeeping, marketing agencies, event managers, technical consultants, etc. can get all the necessary information in real-time from the same network which autonomously and automatically updates itself as well as all the participants.

 Wouldn’t it make all our lives so much easier if this were to be real and done right?

On that note I’d like to leave you to your own thoughts and let you imagine the business world you want to live in 10 years from now. Does it involve Blockchain, IoT, AI and a lot of creative thinking? If your answer is yes then please feel free to get in touch with us, because we might have had the very same dream in this very moment.


About us

We are ALE, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. We make everything connected by tailoring award-winning solutions to your organization – your people, processes and customers – helping your business compete in a digital world. What makes us tick? Data. Software. Communications. Network infrastructure. Cloud. The components that form them and the physical and cloud framework that binds them. The people who make them work and the digital transformations they enable. These are the things that get us excited.

Introducing the Hackathon Challenges 2019: Mobility


In this blogpost we want to give you a brief overview of the hackathon challenge ‘Mobility’:  How can new solutions for vehicles’ networks be created where innovative technologies such as Blockchain or Artificial Intelligence can lead to higher efficiency or even entirely new products and processes?

The chart below points out more specifially how the mobility challenge addresses a wide scope of topics within the field of vehicles’ networks. Mobility services, supply chain & logistics as well as mobility infrastructure serve as possible areas of application where new products, processes and solution could derive from.


Introducing the Hackathon Challenges 2019: Finance


Karsten Treiber and corporate finance specialist Fabian Blumer from LBBW – Landesbank Baden-Württemberg introduce the challenge ‘Finance’How can a bank use the Blockchain technology to become the everyday platform within the industry?

It is one of three challenges our hackers can choose from at the Blockchain Hackathon 2019. Find out more specifially what the challenge means by watching the video below: